Sparkfun Danger Shield
Photo: Sparkfun Electronics
Shield URL: Danger Shield
Tags: input, output, button, sound, temperature, light
Maker: Sparkfun
Provides a variety of useful inputs and outputs for various projects.
- Three linear slide potentiometers connected to Arduino analog pins A0, A1, and A2.
- Red and yellow LEDs connected to digital pins 5 and 6 (PWM pins) so you can easily vary their brightness.
- Three momentary push buttons connected up to the Arduino's digital pins D10, D11, and D12. Those lines will go low when the buttons are pressed.
- A photocell and a temperature sensor, both with analog outputs, are connected to the analog pins A3 and A4, respectively.
- An 8-bit shift register set up to control a blue 7-segment LED.
- Two buzzers. One is used as a speaker, the other is connected to analog pin A5 and can be used as a knock sensor.
IMPORTANT: There is another Danger Shield manufactured by Seeedstudio. Both designs refer to the idea of Zach Hoeken / NYCresistor. But have slightly different features (Slider LEDs, sensor types). Please compare schematics if you care about the differences.
Open Source: Unknown
License: Unknown
Source: Unknown