Seeed Studio Danger Shield
Photo: Seeed Studio
Shield URL: Danger Shield
Tags: sound, temperature, led, display, input, output
Maker: Seeed Studio
The Danger Shield contains a variety of fun and useful electronic circuits that you can use to do fun and useful things with Arduino. It is a fully self-contained shield. You plug it into your Arduino, and you can immediately start using it. No extra things to hook up, no external components.
Some of the features of the board are:
3 x linear sliders w/ integrated LEDs (each independently hooked up to PWM)
3 x pushbuttons
2 x indicator LEDs (each with a PWM)
1 x piezo buzzer (for making noise!)
1 x temperature sensor
1 x light sensor
1 x knock sensor
1 x 7 segment LED (with shift register)
Power LED and reset button
See also
Open Source: Yes, OSHW-compliant
License: GPL v2
License Note: The license just says "GPL", but doesn't specify which version. I'm assuming v2 unless told otherwise.