PDK Solutions LCD-7seg-IO Shield
 Photo: PDK Solutions
Shield URL: LCD-7seg-IO Shield
Tags: lcd
Maker: PDK Solutions
Uses 4 I/O pins and provides the following features:
1. Two 7 Segment LCD displays:
a. 2 digit with decimal (8.8)
b. 3 1/2 digit with colon (18:88)
c. Numerous icons.
2. Two push buttons
3. Piezoelectric buzzer
4. Tri-color LED (Red, Green, Blue) with PWM brightness control.
5. RS-232 driver chip (one port under GPISO-1 control; the other available for your Arduino.)
6. 13 additional I/O pins: 5 digital; 8 digital I/O or analog.
7. User configurable slide switch
Open Source: No, not OSHW-compliant
License: Proprietary / closed source
Source: Unknown
License Note: Schematic and PCB layout provided as PDF, with no license information. No source files provided.
Requires only SCK/MISO/MOSI and one Chip Select.