AsyncLabs WiShield v2.0
Photo: AsyncLabs
Shield URL: WiShield v2.0
Tags: wifi, network, communications
Maker: AsyncLabs
Adds WiFi networking support to Arduino.
- 802.11b Wi-Fi certified.
- 1Mbps and 2 Mbps throughput speeds.
- Supports both infrastructure (BSS) and ad hoc (IBSS) wireless networks.
- WEP, both 64-bit and 128-bit.
Open Source: Yes, OSHW-compliant
License: CC BY-SA 2.5
Source: Unknown
License Note: The Asynclabs wiki says this shield is licensed as CC-BY-SA-2.5, but I couldn't find the source files anywhere.
Exposes two devices on the SPI bus, with slave select lines on D7 and D10. WiFi connection status LED on D9 can be disabled by removing a jumper to make that pin available for other purposes.
D2 or D8: WiFi interrupt (selectable, D2 by default)
D7: DataFlash SS
D9: WiFi connection status LED
D10: WiFi SS
D11: WiFi MOSI / DataFlash MOSI
D12: WiFi MISO / DataFlash MISO
D13: WiFi SCK / DataFlash SCK