Seeed Studio Solar Charger Shield
 Photo: Seeed Studio
Shield URL: Solar Charger Shield
Tags: power, battery, charger, solar
Maker: Seeed Studio
The solar charger is a stackable shield to Arduino compatible platforms, enables adaptive battery power and acts as an energy harvester for in-field charging. You may use various batteries to shift up for 5V output, or put on Li-ion battery and solar panel to form an autonomous sensor unit.
Open Source: No, not OSHW-compliant
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Source: Unknown
License Note: The product datasheet makes conflicting claims regarding the license for this shield. It uses the symbols for "Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike", but has the text for "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0". In any case I couldn't find the source files so the license is irrelevant anyway, and if the license does include the Non-Commercial clause then it's not Open Hardware.
I do not yet have verified pin usage data for this shield.
PDF schematic illegible