AeroQuad AeroQuad Shield v1.8
 Have an image of this shield? Please send it to me!
Shield URL: AeroQuad Shield v1.8
Tags: gyroscope, accelerometer, imu
Maker: AeroQuad
AeroQuad Shield is intended for use creating Quadrotor Helicopters controlled by an Arduino.
The AeroQuad Shield v1.8 allows you to connect the ITG 3200 triple axis gyro and the BMA 180 triple axis accelerometer breakout boards to an Arduino Duemilanove to create a 6 degree of freedom inertial measurement unit (IMU). The pinouts from the shield to the Arduino are directly compatible with the AeroQuad quadrocopter flight control software, and can also be easily adapted to any application where absolute angle position is required.
Note: The images on the AeroQuad site have an explicit message prohibiting their re-use. I need an image for this shield that I have permission to use.
Open Source: Yes, OSHW-compliant
License: GPL v3